DC Busbar System
Small Greenfield Project
DC Busbar System

As well as larger projects, we have extensive experience with smaller, more remotely located refinery projects

Location: Kazakhstan
Scope: Full Busbar System and Shorting Frame
Type: Copper Solvent Extraction / Electrowinning Plant (10,000t/y)
Small Greenfield Project
G Corner was approached by a client looking to build a 7,500 tpa SX-EW copper refinery, which was expandable to 10,000 tpa. G Corner was able to provide a unique, flexible design that allowed the client to achieve their target output quotas.
This tankhouse configuration was based on one cell room format, with the cell room having two cell-lines comprising of total 38 electrowinning tank cells, each cell line comprises of 19 electrowinning tank cells. The electrowinning feeder system installed and rated for 34kA consisted of a copper Positive main long trunk feeder, a copper Negative short main trunk feeder, plus a copper crossover back trunk feeder section linking the two lines of electrowinning cells. The busbars were rated such that the current density was kept at a maximum of 1 Amp per mm2.


“As electrowinning was a newly introduced copper refining method for Kazakhstan, no suppliers of electrowinning process unique equipment had presence at the local market. Therefore, equipment has been tendered between reputable specialised manufacturers recommended by the project’s EPCM company and located in course of General Market Review.

Vendors providing best commercial and technical proposals then have been chosen to supply equipment for this given project. Other equipment that is commonly used on other hydrometallurgical plants or in other industrial process applications such as pumps, overhead cranes, ventilation, heating and fire protection systems etc have been tendered among vendors having presence on local market. Local experience, availability of service, certification and reputation of these Vendors has been taken into consideration.

It must be noted that Bus Bar System and Shorting frame was one of the best engineered package that Construction team had received in course of project execution. G Corner has suggested amendments to the Bus Bar system initially developed in course of basic engineering that reduced costs of the system without compromising its functionality. The product packaging, delivery schedule, technical support and manuals were of outstanding quality. For instance, assembly supervision engineer spent only two days at site and left well ahead of time allocated for the process as installation team had not met any difficulties with assembly of the bus bar system.

Project Appraisal Report – Plant Manager

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Suresh Nagare

Project Leader

Senior Project Manager of G Corner India with over 15 years of experience

Started with G Corner in 2001 and rose to the Project Manager position in 2006, successfully transferring complete understanding of G Corner’s technology and capabilities to our manufacturing base in India.